Jedi Training and Other Magical Life Tools

Jedi Training and Other Magical Life Tools
with Eric Nielson
Every Tuesday Night (7 PM) at The Happiness Institute.
1720 Market Street.
Welcome to Hogwarts Continuing Adult Education. This class/ work circle’s purpose is to bring your natural in-born magical powers online, and to undo the programming and conditioning that is standing in the way of that. The classes’ core is teaching EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to support, understand, clear and empower the emotional body (a person’s source of energy and creative inspiration). In addition, we will be sharing a toolbox of intuitive and magical skills. EFT is a synthesis of breath-awareness, acupressure, mindfullness. EFT is likened to an advanced form of self-hypnosis. It runs self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance through your body’s electrical system until your reality shifts. It is truly a magical tool as well as a practical tool.
I invite you to use EFT to heal your heart, align with your life purpose, and transform old patterns that no longer serve you. Each class will cover a different topic including: manifestation and intention, life purpose, sexuality, love and relationships, creativity, abundance, physical pain, chronic illness, or any topic suggested by the class.
Please bring yourself and your willingness to heal.
$10-$20 suggested donation or your earnest presence.